Sunday, 10 March 2013

Birthday Cake!

So, it was my birthday on the 5th March. I had a lovely birthday with my family and friends. This year I made my own birthday cake as my family was very busy but to be honest I wanted to make my own! :) I took some photos of the process of making the cake. If anybody has any questions or comments email me at : or simply comment on here! If you're intrested I also have an instagram (click here!) . Enjooyyyy! (recipe will be attached at the end)

 (I'm not 8...we didn't have enough candles) 

(I scooped out the middle of the cake as it was slightly undercooked, so i filled it with raspberries) 

Thanks for reading!
Vicky xox

Company Cupcake Charity: Thank you!

If you have read my previous posts, you can see that I did some charity work a couple of weeks ago. for more info read my first post. This post is just to say thank you for the people who helped me along this project and to the people who bought my products. we raised approximately £80! This money will go here . I hope this inspires somebody to raise money for a charity by doing what they love.

Thanks for reading!
Vicky xox